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Quote from Amy in Groundhog Dad

Tate: Ugh, maybe we should allow bullying in schools if it'll prevent stuff like this.
Amy: Yeah, tell me about it.
Tate: Tough day at the office? I'm just kidding, you don't have an office.
Amy: You know, it hasn't been great, Tate. I killed a groundhog... probably... and if it lives, it'll never be the same. And I learned that on a scale from one to ten, I am immensely unappealing.
Tate: You can't listen to what people here say. They're all idiots. Today, one of them asked me whether he's supposed to eat the cotton inside the pill bottle.
Amy: Elias?
Tate: Elias, yeah. Look, I know everyone here is trying to hook you up with a bunch of randos, but you should hold out for a good one. You deserve that.
Amy: Well, that... that kinda sounds like a line, but, um, thank you.
Tate: Well, listen, I don't know if you feel like a drink, but I know a great little spot. I told them that I'm a veteran, so I drink for half price.

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