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Quote from Garrett in Part-Time Hires

Jonah: All right. I, uh... I messed up before. I'm sorry. I-I was listening, but I wasn't really hearing. So here's what we're gonna do. Tonight, gonna pop open a couple brewskis, we're gonna get ourselves a nice pie... pizza pie, not pecan or whatever... and we are gonna watch ourselves a little movie called Bad Boys 2 and get you through this breakup thing roomie-style.
Garrett: Hmm. All right. That's enough. [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 employees! I am fine. Dina did not break up with me, and actually, if you want to get real about it, it was my idea. I was trying to be a nice guy.
Jonah: [quietly] If you could just...
Garrett: I got this. [over PA] So if you want to feel bad for somebody, feel bad for Dina, 'cause she's the one seeing the shrink.
Jonah: Whoa.
Garrett: That... was something I shouldn't have said. Sorry about that. Please pretend you didn't hear that. Have a good day.
Jonah: I'm gonna just put these back.

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