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Quote from Mateo in Hair Care Products

Sandra: Have a heavenly day.
Mateo: For your information, Sandra, Cheyenne and I are very clean.
Cheyenne: Yeah, I shower after every poo.
Mateo: And this movie night is gonna be just as hygienic as we are. All the chairs are gonna be six feet apart and we're gonna have a bunch of hand sanitizer.
Sandra: Cool. Well, let me know how it goes.
Mateo: And, uh, we are going to be checking people's temperatures every 10 minutes.
Cheyenne: Mm-hmm, and we're gonna be digging a hole for everyone to sit in so the germs don't get out.
Mateo: What do you say? Should we save you a... a hole?
Sandra: Look, it's nothing personal. People just have different comfort levels around this stuff, but you guys have fun.
Cheyenne: [scoffs] Rude.
Mateo: I know. She's the worst. She's coming to this [bleep] movie.

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