Jerry Quote #1402

Quote from Jerry in The Calzone

Elaine: Hello. This is Todd Gack.
Jerry: Oh, of course. Todd Gack. Who did you bet was in Star Wars? Sammy Davis Jr.


 ‘The Calzone’ Quotes

Quote from Newman

Newman: I called in sick. I don't work in the rain.
George: You don't work in the rain? You're a mailman. "Neither rain nor sleet nor..." It's the first one.
Newman: I was never that big on creeds.
George: You were supposed to deliver my calzones. We had a deal!
Newman: I believe the deal was that I get the calzones on my route. Well, today I won't be going on my route, will I? Perhaps tomorrow.
George: But I'm paying you!
Newman: Yes, thank you. [closes door]
George: Newman!

Quote from George

Jerry: So George, remember I was telling you Nikki always gets whatever she wants. We're at the movies last night. It's sold out. Nikki goes and talks to the manager. Right in.
George: Beautiful women. You know, they could get away with murder. You never she any of them lift anything over three pounds. They get whatever they want whenever they want it. Nobody can stop them.
Jerry: She's like a beautiful Godzilla.
George: And I'm thousands of fleeing Japanese.

Quote from Newman

Newman: Well, you certainly are in a bind.
George: Yeah. And I thought since you go buy there everyday, we could help each other out.
Newman: [chuckles] Oh, well. Let me perfectly blunt. I don't care for you, Costanza. You hang out on the west side of the building with Seinfeld all day and just laughing it up, wasting your lives.
George: Are you going to help me or not?
Newman: All right, all right. I will help you. But I will except something in return.
George: What?
Newman: Well, for starters I want a calzone of my own.
George: All right.
Newman: And a slice of pepperoni pizza. And a large soda. And three times a week, I shall require a canolie.
George: That's a little steep, don't you think?
Newman: You know, I hear Mr. Steinbrenner can be a bit erratic. I would hate to see him when he's hungry.
George: All right, all right.
Newman: Do we have a deal?
George: Just make sure you have them to me by one o'clock. He's very regimented about his meals.
Newman: I know exactly how he feels. Well, nice doing business with you. Do come again. [laughs]