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Quote from David Puddy in The Apology

Peggy: It was very nice of you to bring the man you're currently sleeping with to talk to me, but I assure you, I don't have any problem with germs.
David Puddy: Don't you? Elaine.
[Elaine leans in towards Peggy]
Peggy: Please.
David Puddy: I know it looks bleak. I've been there. Ten years ago, waking up next to a woman like this would have sent me running for the pHisoHex.
Peggy: Really?
David Puddy: I still have trouble looking at those disgusting old bedroom slippers she slobs around in.
Elaine: Hey, I've had those since college. They're bunnies.
David Puddy: They're bacteria traps.
Peggy: So you just learned to live with it?
David Puddy: For the most part.
Elaine: Okay. We're broken up for the rest of the day.

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