Quote from George in The Bookstore
Rebecca DeMornay: So, you want to donate this to charity? George: Well, I assume there's some sort of write-off. Rebecca DeMornay: What's the value of the book? George: Uh, about two hundred dollars, Miss DeMooney. Rebecca DeMornay: It's DeMornay. Rebecca DeMornay. George: Oh. Rebecca DeMornay: [opens cover] Oh, wait a second. This book has been in the bathroom. George: Wh- What are you talking about? That- That's ridiculous. Rebecca DeMornay: It's been flagged. I know. I used to work in a Brentano's. Mister, we're trying to help the homeless here. It's bad enough that we have some nut out there trying to strap them to a rickshaw! George: All right, I, I'll just take fifty. Do- Do we have a deal? Rebecca DeMornay: Yeah, and here it is: You get your toilet book out of here, and I won't jump over this counter and punch you in the brain! George: I could take it in merchandise. Rebecca DeMornay: Here I come.