Quote from George in The Dealership
Jerry: I told you, Puddy's getting me an insider deal. George: Since when is Elaine's boyfriend selling cars? I thought he was a mechanic. Jerry: I guess he graduated. George: That's an easy move. Go from screwing you behind your back to screwing you right to your face. Jerry: [Kramer honks the horn] Thank you! George: Puddy's just gonna give you the car, huh? You'll see. First they stick you with the undercoating, rust-proofing, dealer prep. Suddenly, you're on your back like a turtle. Jerry: All right. Calm down. George: My father had a car salesman buddy. He was gonna fix him up real nice. Next thing I know, I'm getting dropped of in a Le Car with a fabric sunroof. All the kids are shouting at me, "Hey, Le George! Bonjour, Le George! Let's stuff Le George in Le Locker!"