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Quote from J.D. in My Transition

Kim: So, Josh, you are suffering from a condition called phimosis. It's basically a hardening of your foreskin. As part of your treatment, I'm going to ask that you masturbate five times a week.
J.D.: [v.o.] Help the poor kid out.
J.D.: Wow, five times a week, huh? For me that would be cutting back.
J.D.: [v.o.] He said in front of his future girlfriend.
J.D.: You know what? I should probably mosey.
[J.D. gets caught in a hospital curtain sending him tripping into the X-Ray viewer, which he smashes with his head.]
J.D.: [groans] Looking forward to our date.
[J.D. turns around is struck by a swinging door]
Kim: See you around 6:00. Wear something slutty. Zoom-zoom-zoom!
J.D.: That's mine.

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