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Quote from Moira in Dead Guy in Room 4

Patrick: Can I interject? I know I wasn't supposed to be listening to this conversation, but it's a small space, and your voice carries so beautifully.
Moira: Mmm-hmm.
Patrick: Mrs. Rose, I can say with 100% certainty, you have nothing to worry about.
Moira: Well that's very kind of you, dear, but now's not the time for well-intended placation.
Patrick: You're legally prohibited from supplying medication to your guests, so by not giving him anything you've actually avoided any potential liability in his death.
Moira: Well, there we have it then. Thank God you're here Pa...
David: trick.
Moira: Trick. You know how David can get carried away, I'm sure.
Patrick: Oh, I do.
Moira: Well, I suppose I'll head back to the scene of the crime, with which I had nothing to do.

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