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Quote from Leslie Knope in Citizen Knope

Ann: Merry Christmas, Leslie! We made you this replica of the parks department out of gingerbread.
Leslie Knope: Oh, my God, I love it! Aw, I love it, and I love you guys, and Ann specifically. And all of you! You did all of this together?
Ron Swanson: Yes, except for me. Turns out, I cannot make a gingerbread house, which would bother me if I were an 8-year-old girl. In any case, these people stepped up and helped me out, and that gave me another idea. This is the City Council chambers, and that's you, next may.
Leslie Knope: I don't understand.
Ann: Your campaign advisers quit, big deal. You're running for city council again, Leslie, with our help.
April: April Ludgate, youth outreach and director of new media.
Tom: Tom Haverford, image consultant, swagger coach.
Ann: Ann Perkins, office manager and volunteer coordinator.
Andy: Andy Dwyer, security, sweets, body man. Javelin, if need be.
Donna: Donna Meagle, transpo, AKA rides in my Benz.
Jerry: W- You guys didn't tell me we were doing this. I--I did not know that I was supposed to come up with something. I--
Ron Swanson: Ron Swanson, any other damn thing you might need.
Leslie Knope: Guys, it's so much work. I can't ask you to put your lives on hold.
Ron Swanson: Find one person here who you haven't helped by putting your life on hold.
Leslie Knope: [choked up] I don't know what to say... Except... Let's go win an election! [cheers and applause]

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