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Quote from Leslie Knope in The Trial of Leslie Knope

George: And then they gave me a $50 gift certificate to a spa and said... And thank you for your discretion.
Chris: And did you use it?
George: Yeah. I got a facial. My wife said my skin was luminous.
Chris: That's enough. Now, in order to cover up their illicit affair, Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope bribed a city employee.
Leslie Knope: George, I notice that you're wearing glasses, yet on the day in question, I don't recall you wearing glasses. Could it be because you weren't wearing glasses?
George: I never wear 'em on the job.
Leslie Knope: Can you take your glasses off, please, and read this for us?
George: "I could read this if I weren't so blind."
Leslie Knope: Well, that went terribly. I need to check some facts and figures. I would like to request a 55-day recess.
Allenbach: You can have 30 minutes, but we're nearing the end here, Ms. Knope.

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