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Quote from Leslie Knope in Second Chunce

Leslie Knope: Well, this is the Pawnee City Council chambers. Your new home away from me.
Ingrid de Forest: Well, technically, my home away from home is in Zurich. Frank Gehry designed it. But this is nice too.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: Today is my last day [hoarsely] as a-- Excuse me. [clears throat] Let me try this again. Today is [hoarsely] my last day at c-- [full voice] Today is my la-- [high pitched] Today is my last d-- You know what? You get the idea. My old friend Ingrid de Forest won the recall vote, and she's taking my place on Monday morning. But, you know, luckily for me, I've processed all my feelings. And I've gone through the five stages of grief: Denial, anger, Internet commenting, cat adoption, African dance, cat returning to the adoption place, watching all the episodes of Murphy Brown, and not giving a flying fart. How many stages is that? I don't know. The point is I'm fine now.

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