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Quote from Winston in James Wonder

Jess: I'm making this for Genevieve. I'm... I gotta convince her to make my case to Ed.
Winston: My man, Ed. Listen Jess, I could go ahead and give him a call if you like. All you have to do is say the word.
Jess: No, no, no, no. This is no country for James Wonder. I'm not having you go undercover at school again. No offense, but you kind of fell out of your dress when Genevieve came on to you.
Winston: I did get rattled. I have a girlfriend, and I adore Aly. But everything else I'm doing seems to be working because Ed loves me. You know, he wants James to landscape his yard. So I drew him four sketches.
Jess: Wow. Winston, these are actually really good.
Winston: I don't remember drawing these. I woke up this morning, and they were under my pillow.

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