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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Natalie: Harold, are you okay?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah. I- I was just- I- I saw my fans down there. Thought I would climb down the building and say hello, 'cause the Frisco Fly never disappoints his fans.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, forget about it, Harold. Give it a rest, okay? The show's over. Here's what happened. Your cousin Joey wanted you dead. I can think of five or six reasons off the top of my head.
Harold Krenshaw: Money. We have a rich uncle. He didn't want to share the estate.
Adrian Monk: That's what I figured. Two weeks ago, Joey's wish came true. There was an accident. He happened to see it as he drove past. The driver's name was Victor Grajna. He was a professional acrobat. He was the real Frisco Fly. For Joey finding that costume was like hitting the jackpot. Two gallons of gasolene, one match and the real Frisco fly was gone for ever. Then all Joey had to do was wait for the right moment. On Monday night, he made his move. Where did it happen? Was it at your house?
Harold Krenshaw: It was in a parking garage.
Natalie: He dragged you up to the roof. It must have take him hours to get that costume on.
Adrian Monk: I have to admit it was a brilliant plan. Everyone would think the Frisco Fly slipped and fell. It would have worked, if you hadn't hit that awning.

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