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Quote from Harold Krenshaw in Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Clarissa Krenshaw: Oh, Harold, your cousin joey's here.
Joey Krenshaw: Harry. How are you feeling, cuz?
Harold Krenshaw: Fine.
Joey Krenshaw: Uncle Ronnie couldn't make it. He's not doing too well.
Harold Krenshaw: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Journalist: Who's uncle Ronnie?
Joey Krenshaw: Last of the original Krenshaws. He owns a dude ranch in Nevada. About a thousand acres. Me and Harry used to go down every summer.
Journalist: What was Harold like as a kid?
Joey Krenshaw: This guy? He was indestructible, and that's a fact. Me and uncle Ronnie used to throw him off the roof, then down the stairs, then off the dock. Remember?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah.
Joey Krenshaw: Yeah, me and uncle Ronnie was just goofing off, but for Harold, I guess it was practice!

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