Quote from Reese in Reese Joins the Army: Part 1
Beth: Reese, if I could make myself like you, I would. [Reese notices a shoe poking out from under Beth's bed] Reese: What's that? Beth: Reese, stop, you're going to wake up my parents. [When Reese grabs the boy hiding under the bed and turns him around, it's Malcolm] Reese: You really don't want to do this. It's not what... Malcolm: [to camera] She grew on me. [to Reese] Please don't kill me. You can break my fingers. Or if you just want to rest, I'll break them for you. [chuckles] Reese: I just want you to be happy. [exits] Beth: Wow, I thought there'd be a huge fistfight. I mean, I had no right to expect it, but I would have understood. [horse neighs]