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Quote from Malcolm in Future Malcolm

Malcolm: Mom, Dad, can we drive out to the country this Saturday to see the meteor shower? We only have to go, like, 25 miles to get a good view. It starts around 2:00 a.m.
Hal: How's that again, son?
Malcolm: The meteor shower. They say it's going to be the best one in a hundred years.
Reese: Sounds science-y. No, thanks.
Hal: Come on, Reese, a meteor shower. Fireballs zooming around the air, smashing into the ground right in front of you. [imitates explosion]
Malcolm: That's not what happens.
Dewey: Can we ride one?
Malcolm: No! It's 60 miles up, but it's beautiful and interesting anyway!
Lois: Look, if Malcolm needs to do this for some school assignment, then we're going to do it.
Malcolm: It's not for school.
Lois: Then forget it. We're not getting up at 2:00 a.m. just to look at stars.

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