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Quote from Reese in Long Drive

Samuel: All that crap you "tough" guys have been pulling, well, this is where it's got you! This is- Are you paying attention?!
Reese: No. I just realized. You're in prison. You're locked up in here for life. What do I need to be afraid of you for?
Samuel: Because the way you've been screwing up, you're likely to end up in here, and when that happens, whoo-wee!
Reese: You know, Sammy, you might want to have someone smuggle some mouthwash in a cake. [boys laugh]
Samuel: Let me tell you what happened to the last guy who made fun of me. They found just enough of him to convict me!
Reese: Ooh! I am so scared of prison boy. What are you going to do, stretch out your arms seventy miles through the bars to my house? [laughter]

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