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Quote from Ida in Christmas

Francis: Oh, Grandma, what are all these things? I mean, look at this. There must be a thousand dollars worth of stuff in here.
Ida: $2,735. $4,500 Canadian.
Francis: What are they doing in your closet?
Ida: They're gifts. For the family, for relatives, for friends-
Francis: But you never give presents. Oh, my God! Donatello with pizza-throwing action?! I wanted one of these when I was six!
Ida: I know. I bought it for you.
Francis: No, you didn't.
Ida: Yes, I did. And then, right before Christmas, your mommy put you on the phone, you call me "Poopy" and hung up.
Francis: Is that the breadmaker Mom was asking for last year?
Ida: If she wants bread so much, she should write back when her mother writes to her. Oh, this was for cousin Nicola. I spent a day shopping for it. Then she marries a Protestant. That camera? For your father. Right before he refused to drive me to the liquor store. All the nice things I do for people.

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