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Quote from Reese in The Grandparents

Reese: Quit crying like baby.
Malcolm: What's going on?
Reese: Grandpa gave me a live grenade. It's really cool. You want to hold it?
Victor: No, no, no. It's for you, not him.
Malcolm: Oh, my God, we have to call the police.
Victor: No, no police. No police, please. There's no reason to panic.
Malcolm: Yes, there is. You gave Reese a live grenade, and he's a total idiot.
Reese: He's right, I am. I don't think I should have it anymore. Here.
Victor: No, you hold on to that.
Reese: No, I'm tired of this game. I think what I really want to do is go lie down now.

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