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Quote from Reese in Cattle Court

Carrie: Reese, I still don't understand what we're doing here.
Reese: I've worked here all this time and I didn't understand.
Carrie: Understand what?
Reese: This is a crime against nature. Would you like to be slathered in a delicious sauce and charbroiled to order? I don't think so. [opens gate]
Carrie: Whoa, wait up.
Reese: You're free! You're all free! Go and live your lives! [to a young cow] Earn this.
Carrie: You're a hero, Reese! Look at them run!
Reese: It's beautiful, isn't it? I mean, besides the flies and crap and stuff.
Carrie: Oh, my God! They're heading onto the freeway!

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