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Quote from Reese in Lois Strikes Back

Reese: Okay, there she is. Everybody, get out of here. No, wait. She'll probably want to meet you. Okay, you can stay, just don't say anything stupid. Oh, how's my hair? Can you smell my pits? Why'd you let me put on this stupid shirt?
Lois: Reese, relax. All you have to do is just be yourself.
Reese: You're right, Mom. Thanks.
[Reese grabs some flowers as he gets ready to open the door. When Reese opens the door, a group of girls are standing in front of a pig which has a "I [Heart] Reese"] balloon tied around its neck and a name tag reading "Cindy". The girls laugh and take photographs of Reese.]
Paula: Enjoy your date, Reese!

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