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Quote from Reese in A.A.

Dewey: Just admit it, guys: You've been beat.
Reese: Are you kidding? Now that we know where the key is, it's only a matter of time.
Malcolm: Here's Grandma's special cereal
Reese: That stuff is so powerful, she had to eat it in the bathroom. The recoil is going to put you through the ceiling, little man. I don't know why we're going through all this trouble. I had a much faster way to do this.
Malcolm: We're not cutting him open, Reese. This will still work out. We just have to adjust the destruction list. The way I look at it, we have to skip paint ballooning the Tai-chi group, the charity 10K won't get its phony route markers, and I'm afraid planting the porn magazines in the feminist bookstore will have to wait till another time.
Reese: [shouts at Dewey] It's like you're killing my children!

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