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Quote from Ted in First Time in New York

Robin: But, man, your story, I mean, it doesn't even sound like you.
Ted: Yeah, well...
[flashback to Ted and Molly kissing on the bed]
Ted: I love you, Molly.
Molly: Oh, I love you, too, Ted.
[twelve minutes later:]
Ted: Wow. That was amazing.
Molly: Look, I got to go.
Ted: Wh- Where are you going?
Molly: Uh, my cousin got some firecrackers from Mexico. We're going into the woods to light them. It's gonna be awesome.
Ted: Will you call me?
Molly: Yeah. I'll totally call you. Oh, Ted?
Ted: Yeah?
Molly: Can I borrow 20 bucks? I'll totally pay you back.
Ted: But she didn't.

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