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Quote from Barney in Glitter

Barney: [scoffs] Seriously, dude, he has got to go. You need to be like, [as Anne Robinson] You are the weakest link. Goodbye. [as Jeff Probst] Punchy, the tribe has spoken. [as Padma Lakshmi] Please pack up your knives and go. [as China Chow] Your work of art didn't work for us. [as Flavor Flav] Your time's up. [as Mike Richards] I have to ask you to leave the mansion. [as Alex McLeod] You must leave the chateau. [as Bret Michaels] Your tour ends here. [as Ted Allen] You've been chopped.
Ted: Okay, yeah. I know.
Barney: [as Julie Chen] You've been evicted from the Big Brother house. [as Gail Simmons] Your dessert just didn't measure up. [as RuPaul] Sashay away. [as Gordon Ramsay] Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.
[as Chris Harrison] I'm sorry, you did not get a rose. [as Phil Keoghan] You have been eliminated from the race. [as Tyra Banks] You are no longer in the running to be America's Next Top Model. [as Donald Trump] You're fired. [as Heidi Klum] Auf Wiedersehen.

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