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Quote from Barney in Unfinished

Marshall: Barney's been "putting the moves" on Ted.
Lily: Oh, that sucks. Although I like you two together.
Marshall: No, he's been doing it to try to get Ted to design the new GNB Tower.
Robin: Which moves are we talking about? Did he do the thing where he brags on himself in the form of a complaint?
[flashback to Ted, Marshall and Barney at MacLaren's:]
Barney: Man, every time I take out my business card and women see the GNB logo, they throw themselves at me. I miss the chase. It sucks!
[another flashback:]
Barney: Man, the courtside Knicks seats that are available to all upper level GNB employees are too close to the action. I keep getting sweat on my suit. It sucks!
[another flashback:]
Barney: Man, GNB's benefits package is so comprehensive it gives me the freedom to see any doctor I want. It sucks!
Ted: He did.

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