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The Quote

Quote from Barney in The Leap

Barney: Hey, Ted, whatcha doing?
Ted: Designing a building shaped like a hat.
Barney: Now a good time to chat?
Ted: No.
Barney: So, what do you think of Robin?
Ted: Barney, I really need to get to work, so...
Barney: Great. Say you and I went suit-shopping, and you happened upon a beautiful suit, a beautiful Canadian suit. Double-breasted. Hmm. You try it on, but it's not exactly the right fit for you. So, you put it back. Then I try it on. I don't really want to take the same suit that you had your eye on, but at the same time, I really like that suit.
Ted: Buy the suit, Barney. You clearly care about it. Tell the suit how you feel.
Barney: Okay. But Ted, remember that that was your answer because... The suit is Robin. [imitates explosion] I know! Right?
Ted: I'm with you, buddy.
Barney: You are now. Because I explained it to you. [hugs Ted]

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