Jill Quote #838

Quote from Jill in Clash of the Taylors

Jill: Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen. I'm Jill Taylor, your counseling intern.
Lou Hansen: Nice to meet you.
Jill: Well. Before we begin, I'd like to talk a little bit about my methodology. I am an avid proponent of emotionally-focused couples therapy, which is founded on the belief that couples hide their primary emotions and instead exhibit secondary reactive emotions, which result in negative interactions, such as pursue/distance, or blame/withdraw. Serving as a defense against the more vulnerable primary emotions. Any questions?
Lou Hansen: Are you the only therapist or can we get someone else?


 ‘Clash of the Taylors’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, how was your bus ride?
Randy: Mom, I'm going to write my article.
Tim: You're not writing anything until you get the facts straight!
Randy: So, now you're telling me what I can and can't write? You're acting like some tyrannical fascist.
Tim: Did he just call me a dinosaur?

Quote from Wilson

Tim: Randy wrote an article in there exposing Binford's poor environmental record. I'm real angry about it.
Wilson: Well, Tim, why are you angry? Because Randy wrote the article or because of Binford's poor record?
Tim: Both. Not to mention the fact that he called me a sell-out. The information caused a riot on Tool Time. I don't know what to believe.
Wilson: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. You know, I'm reminded of something the Polish linguist Alfred Korzybski once said.
Tim: "Why can't my name be Johnson?"
Wilson: Korzybski said, "There are two ways to slide easily through life: To believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save you from thinking."

Quote from Tim

Jill: Look, Randy is young and idealistic. It's natural that he's gonna get carried away with things that are important to him.
Tim: What if this is just the beginning? What if he tells us we can't wear leather or eat meat? Or he starts falling in love with dolphins and he says we've got to throw out all our tuna? I'll only say this once. I love my kids. But I will never, ever give up my tuna.
Jill: [momentarily speechless] Later.