Wilson Quote #328

Quote from Wilson in The Feminine Mistake

Wilson: Well, neighborette, I have outdone myself. This year my tulips are more gorgeous than ever.
Jill: They are gorgeous. What's your secret?
Wilson: A very good florist.


 ‘The Feminine Mistake’ Quotes

Quote from Jill

Jill: Wow, Angela does good work!
Brad: Yeah. She does, doesn't she?
Jill: I want to talk about you two.
Brad: Mom, we've already had the sex talk.
Jill: This isn't the sex talk. This is the socks talk.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Thanks to your honesty, we've now not only lost Brad, we might as well write off Mark and Randy as well.
Tim: We haven't lost anybody. Let me ask you a question. Bottom line, what do you think would happen if the boys turned out just like me?
Jill: It would be the strongest argument yet against cloning.
Tim: Hey, don't bring sheep into this.

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: So how does your garden grow?
Jill: Oh, it's a little heavy on the manure lately. Brad thinks it's OK to have Angela do his chores for him. Tim doesn't see anything wrong with that.
Wilson: Oh, men! No matter how much ground we feminists have gained, there is still so much work left to be done.
Jill: "We" feminists?
Wilson: Jill, I've always been a big proponent of the women's movement. You know, I spent most of the sixties with my face behind a protest sign.