Tim Quote #1427

Quote from Tim in Ye Olde Shoppe Teacher

Mr. Leonard: What are you doing here?
Tim: I came to ask a question. What did I do wrong? [holds up his wonky tool box] Was it the measurements or the spot-welds?
Mr. Leonard: Now, let me get this straight. You drove an hour and a half to ask me why a tool box you made 20 years ago is a piece of crap?
Tim: Actually, I drove three hours. It would've been an hour and a half had you a porch light that worked.


 ‘Ye Olde Shoppe Teacher’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Tim: I broke the cardinal rule with men. I offered help to a man that didn't want any.
Jill: Well, it looked like he needed it.
Tim: That didn't matter. By offering him help, it made him feel like less of a man.
Jill: Now, wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me that if you saw a guy trapped underneath a boulder and he didn't ask for your help, you wouldn't move the boulder? [Tim shakes his head] That is insane.
Tim: If I moved the boulder the guy would feel like half a man.
Jill: If you didn't move the boulder the guy would be half a man.
Tim: But that half would thank me.
Jill: And men say that women are illogical and irrational?
Tim: They are, but what does that have to do with this?

Quote from Tim

Mr. Leonard: I swear to you, it's the truth. I mean, your father is a genuine original. I got another one for you. Even I can't explain this one. He is gluing a table together one time. Somehow a piece of the table gets stuck to his head.
Tim: There's a mistake I didn't let happen again.
Mark: Dad, didn't you do that...?
Tim: Here, have a cookie, will you, pal?

Quote from Tim

Jill: It is so great to see a mentor and a student reunited again. I used to have an English teacher that affected me the way you did Tim. Um, Mrs. Holloway. She introduced me to Shakespeare. Gosh, I loved Macbeth I used to walk around going, "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!"
Tim: Well, enough of your laundry stories.