Tim Quote #439

Quote from Tim in Heavy Meddle

Al: Tim, maybe we can get a head start on that shed over the weekend.
Tim: Ooh, no can do, Al. This weekend, after two years, I'm finally putting the soul in the beast. I'm dumping that big 350 Chevy engine in my hot rod.
Al: Really?
Tim: Yeah.
Al: Well, that would be hard to do by yourself.
Tim: That's why I got a couple of guys coming over. A little work party, a celebration of man and machine. [grunts]


 ‘Heavy Meddle’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, why don't you and I play a little game?
Jill: What?
Tim: Let's play a little game, just you and I. Let's play.
Jill: OK. OK, all right. [Tim gestures] Three words. First word. Me. Woman. Jill. Jill, OK. Three words. Third word, third word. Hamburger. Red. Meat. Meat. Jill blank meat. Second word. [Tim pounds the burger patty] Jill dead meat.
Jill: So I guess you're kind of annoyed that nobody's working on your engine.
Tim: Well, how would you feel about it? If you planned a wedding shower for three months the night of the wedding shower, I bring these guys over to watch football?
Jill: That happened, Tim.
Tim: And you didn't like it, did you?

Quote from Wilson

Jill: Wilson, aren't human beings more important than machines?
Wilson: Well, without a doubt. Although, I am quite fond of my waffle maker.
Jill: Well, thank you. I wish you would tell that to that knucklehead I'm married to.
Wilson: Oh, he knows how I feel. He's had my waffles.

Quote from Al

Tim: Al, I would have asked you, but I thought you'd be with Greta at that big linoleum exhibit.
Al: Well, uh... I told Greta that I didn't want to be tied down. And, you know, we just... we both thought that it was best to explore other options.
Tim: She dumped you, huh?
Al: Yeah. Well, have a good weekend, Tim.
Tim: Hey, Al. You know, we could probably use another hand dropping that engine in, if you're free.
Al: Completely free! I love parties! Is there a theme?
Tim: A theme? Yeah, we're doing the Wild West.
Al: I could bring jerky.
Tim: They say you are what you eat, Al.