Tim Quote #3177

Quote from Tim in Bewitched

Tim: Hey. Love some punch. I hope you didn't make it, because I'm eye-of-newt intolerant.
Agatha: You seem to be intolerant of quite a bit.
Tim: No, I'm actually... I tolerate quite a bit... You know, that's water-based. Better be careful. You might melt.
Agatha: You have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?
Tim: Come on, lady. Talk to the hand. Talk to the hand.
Agatha: A witch is one you should not test or else her wrath will never rest.
Tim: [hisses]


 ‘Bewitched’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Detective Roberts: Do we have anything to link her to the crime scene? A black cat? A broom?
Tim: How about her amulet that she wore around her neck? It's right here. Hey, look at that. It's my fez. I've been looking all over for this thing.
Detective Roberts: Your fez? What happened to the amulet?
Tim: Well... I had it in my hand.
Detective Roberts: You tampered with the crime scene?
Tim: I did not know it was a crime. I did not know it at the time.
Detective Roberts: Dr. Seuss claims there was a witch.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Guys, guys, forget about me. Shouldn't we be looking for Wilson?
Detective Roberts: Yeah. We'll get that in motion as soon as you give us some more information. Now, look, Tim. Can I call you Tim?
Tim: I'd like that.
Detective Roberts: You really had no idea about your neighbor's financial situation?
Tim: No, no. I mean, he's a real simple guy. He eats squirrel. And he's been wearing the same hat for 15 years.

Quote from Wilson

Tim: I'm innocent. I've been framed, here. Honey, say something about...
Agatha: We just need a positive ID on the body.
Tim: Body?
Agatha: Bring it in. [the sheet is pulled back to the end of Wilson's nose]
Detective MacIntyre: Is this Mr. Wilson?
Jill: Oh, God! Yeah.
Brad: Why'd you do it, Dad?
Tim: I didn't do anything.
Wilson: Boo! [Tim screams] [everyone else cheers and laughs] He never saw it coming! Got ya!
Heidi: You are the king.
Wilson: I am the king!