Tim Quote #1884

Quote from Tim in 'Twas the Flight Before Christmas

Al: This is the worst Christmas of my life! I'm stuck in this dinky airport! My relationship is collapsing! And I've cleaned out every cheese puff in this stupid vending machine!
Tim: And we have no place to sleep. Hey, ma'am. Ma'am, you live around here. Could my friend and I sleep at your house? We'll pay you money.
Old Woman: Perverts!
Clerk: See you at home, Mom.


 ‘'Twas the Flight Before Christmas’ Quotes

Quote from Jill

Al: You know, Ilene, I resent your attitude towards my mother. She's a wonderful, giving woman who lights up all the lives she touches.
Ilene: Oh, please! I am so sick of you putting your mother up on a pedestal!
Jill: [quietly to Tim] You got to admire him for having the strength to hoist her up there. Oh, my God! I'm turning into you.
Tim: It's kind of fun, isn't it?

Quote from Tim

Tim: We really have to get there. Is there a car-rental counter here?
Clerk: Of course. [removes the "Ticket Counter" sign and puts up a "Pilgrim Car Rental" sign] Now, what kind of car would you like? We're running a special on convertibles.
Tim: It's four degrees outside.
Clerk: Then I'd advise you to leave the top up.
Al: Could you give us a map so we could find our way to Kinross?
Clerk: No problem. I don't think the map is going to do you much good.
Al: Why not?
Clerk: The roads are closed.
Tim: Well, why are we renting a car if we can't drive it anywhere?
Clerk: I was wondering the same thing myself.

Quote from Al

Tim: Well, it looks like we're going to make it home in time for Christmas, Al.
Al: The only problem is I still don't know what to do about Ilene and my mother. How can I choose between the woman who means more to me than anything, or my girlfriend?