Tim Quote #1070

Quote from Tim in Reel Men

Al: Why don't you chisel a hole and I'll bait the hooks?
Tim: I could use a crowbar. You got a crowbar.
Al: I got a chisel right here.
Tim: All right. Small hole, huh?
Al: Uh-huh, yeah, that ought to do us.
Tim: Oh, boy. [water plops] Were you real attached to that chisel?
Al: Tim, that... that chisel's been in my family for generations! That was handed down to me by my great-grandfather Hal Borland.
Tim: Well, it's not like it was new.


 ‘Reel Men’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Jill: What did he decide?
Tim: What did he decide? He, um... Uh... He figured that since it burned down, it wasn't a good time to buy it.
Jill: Did you burn down Marv's shanty?
Tim: What is it with you? I walk through the door, you immediately accuse me of burning it down. Why? Why? Why?
Jill: Tim...
Tim: Right to the ground. Right... Ashes.
Jill: Oh, no.
Tim: I'm sure he's got an insurance policy that covers a shanty clause in there.
Jill: Tim, there is no such thing as Shanty Clause.

Quote from Tim

Al: I can't believe you came up here without a change of clothes.
Tim: Well, I didn't intend on falling through the ice, Al.
Al: Everybody knows that when you come on a trip like this, you have to plan for every possible contingency. And with you, every contingency is possible.
Tim: Well, this contingency is your fault.
Al: Fine. Just lucky that I brought an extra set of clothes.
Tim: Oh, yeah. Real lucky. [takes the blanket off to reveal an over-sized flannel shirt and denim jeans] What is this? "One size fits Al"?

Quote from Jill

Jill: That was such a good movie. I'm rewinding.
Ilene: I love Gigi.
Marie: Why can't life be like that? You're always in France, you drink champagne and you sing.
Jill: My life is a lot like Gigi's. Except I live in Detroit, drink diet soda and my husband grunts.