Tim Quote #612

Quote from Tim in Howard's End

Jill: But I can spend it on you. [Tim grunts] Yeah. See? See, back in the old days, when I wanted to buy you a birthday present and I had to write a check for it, I always felt that I was spending your money.
Tim: Yeah.
Jill: But now, I'm spending my own money.
Tim: So this isn't really like just a checking account per se, it's more like a Tim Taylor birthday account.
Jill: Well, that's a good way for you to look at it.


 ‘Howard's End’ Quotes

Quote from Wilson

Wilson: Tim, I'm talking about the Modoc Indian tribe. In their native tongue, they have no word for "yours" or "mine," only one word... for "ours." Each man's material possession belongs to the whole tribe.
Tim: Must be difficult when it comes to underwear.
Wilson: You see, Tim, in the 20th century, our culture tends to measure a man's worth by his possessions.
Tim: And I got some cool stuff, too.
Wilson: That gives you a feeling of power, doesn't it?
Tim: Oh, you bet...
Wilson: And control over your life.
Tim: Oh, control, ha-ha.
Wilson: And control over your mate.
Tim: Yeah... Oh, yeah. I... You're saying that I want to own everything so I can control Jill?
Wilson: Well, Tim, if you own everything, you have all the power.

Quote from Jill

Jill: How much do I get?
Tim: Listen to this. 580 million dollars and 60 cents. I rounded it off.
Jill: Hand it over.
Tim: I'm a little short. I was kinda hoping I could work some of it off.
Jill: How are you gonna do that?
Tim: By satisfying every one of your needs.
Jill: That'll use up about 20 bucks.

Quote from Al

Tim: In relationships, you've gotta be equal. Share things equally, no matter who makes the money. 'Cause Al and I have a good relationship. We share. But I'm no more valuable than Al.
Al: I agree.
Tim: Even though I make a lot more money. And I get full medical coverage.
Al: You get full medical?
Tim: Sure. But Al and I have learned how to share. On the job site, there's no difference between Al's tools and my tools.
Al: Actually, Tim, there is. At the end of the job... [clicking] my tools still work.