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Quote from Tim in Howard's End

Tim: Honey, I think you misheard that.
Jill: Maybe I did. I thought that I just heard my husband say that this is his car because he paid for it.
Tim: Well, I know him. I don't think he would've said that.
Jill: I know him better than you do, and I think he did.
Tim: Look... I think of it as mine not because I paid for it, but because I maintain it.
Jill: Well, I maintain the house, so I guess that would make it mine.
Tim: Well, it can't be yours. You didn't pay for it. Uh...
Jill: So, technically, the house is yours because you paid for it?
Tim: Technically. But I don't charge you any rent. [Jill throws laundry at Tim] I'm kidding!
Jill: So you've just been lying all these years when you said that everything was ours. What you really meant was everything was yours, yours, yours. Jill has nothing.
Tim: You have my heart, honey. In your very angry hand.

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