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Quote from Tim in I'm Scheming of a White Christmas

Jill: Rooster Man. Rooster Man. There's a whole stack of these.
Tim: It's a great comic.
Jill: Barbarian II. Game Boy. Did you buy 'em this? I didn't buy 'em this.
Tim: No, but I wanted it.
Jill: Did you buy 'em those comics?
Tim: Uh-uh. But I bet Nana gave 'em some Christmas money last weekend. I don't believe it! This is the coolest watch in the world. Time Commander Chronograph.
Jill: What is that doing in Brad's backpack?
Tim: They're my boys. They love me. It's probably my Christmas present.
Jill: How could they afford that?
Tim: Saving their allowance or something. You know, this has three time zones, its own built-in alarm, it's good to 120m underwater. You could be drowning and still know exactly what time it is in Guam.

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