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Quote from Jill in Satellite on a Hot Tim's Roof

Jill: Tim, what was this?
Tim: I was shoveling manure. [Jill laughs] You're not buying this crock? I love this stuff. Shoulder pads show strength and motion. And colors just brighten your life.
Jill: I know, I know. It sounds really stupid. But the guy is a professional, he knows what he's doing. Now, what is the matter with you?
Tim: What's the matter with me is I'm seeing a guy in my house hitting on my wife.
Jill: What?
Tim: Come on, don't be so naive. You see what's happening here?
Jill: No.
Tim: Guy's over here on Saturday. Drinking coffee, making you laugh.
Jill: Oh, God. You're right. How could I have missed something so obvious? He's obviously just a great big walking hormone.
Tim: You laugh. You make jokes. I can smell testosterone right here. Oh, and just a wee bit of estrogen thrown in.

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