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Quote from Jill in Taking Jill for Granite

Ian: Well, this is certainly a coincidence, huh?
Jill: Yeah, I'll say!
Ian: What's your husband gonna say when he finds out I asked you out?
Jill: Well, you know, I don't think I am gonna tell him. Tim tends to get jealous and nothing happened, so what's the point?
Ian: Well, if that's the way to handle it, you're secret's safe with me. I gotta get stuff out of the truck.
Jill: Yeah, I have to work on this psych paper.
Ian: You know, I used to teach sculpting in college.
Jill: Really?
Ian: Uh-huh.
Jill: How did you get involved in granite?
Ian: Well, it pays a lot better, and I like working with my hands, you know?
Jill: Hmm, lucky us.
[Ian drops his keys and bends over to pick them up]

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