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Quote from Tim in Future Shock

Tim: Let's move on to Al's tricycle. Actually, this is my father's tricycle. I hope someday to hand it down to my child.
Tim: Problem: [suspenseful music] Doing refurbishing you find some bolts are rusted shut. That is a real problem. [suspenseful music]
Al: Solution: Use a little penetrating oil on the rusty area.
Tim: It should work perfect every time. [straining]
Al: Tim- [stammering] You're bending it!
Tim: When they're really stuck like this you can use a little heat to help out.
Al: Uh, well, if you're gonna use a lot of heat you want to wipe off the excess... ...excess... [the tricycle catches fire] You've completely destroyed my tricycle!
Tim: [metal hitting floor] Well, look there. The bolt came free. It's no longer a problem. [suspenseful music]

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