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Quote from Tim in Jill's Surprise Party

Tim: You'll have to forgive Al. He's going through a little flannel withdrawal. Next week we're checking him in to the Betty Flannel Clinic, so... While Al's getting his point driver, I can welcome two new markets for us. Bottom's up, Milwaukee! And how's it hangin', Columbus? Uh... gosh! Al, hurry up. I'm beginning to feel like Garfield here.
Al: I got it! OK. I'm here. It's just you don't know what it's like being trapped in the wrong fabric.
Tim: All right, secure the points with the point driver.
Al: No problem.
Tim: All right. We'll glaze the window after...
Al: I left the points backstage.
Tim: I got some here. [lets go of the glass] [window smashes]

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