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Quote from Marty in He Ain't Heavy, He's Just Irresponsible

Marty: Remember that Cyclone ride we used to go on as kids?
Tim: [grunts] Oh, I loved that Cyclone. I loved it. You couldn't stand it.
Marty: I feel like I'm on it now. I swear, you know, my life just feels totally out of control. Ever since we had the kids, it seems like everything's fallen apart.
Tim: What, you saying you wish you didn't have the kids?
Marty: I don't know what I'm saying. I just know Nancy and I got no relationship anymore.
Tim: It's not that bad.
Marty: It's pretty bad.
Tim: How bad?
Marty: I'm thinking of leaving her.
Tim: What? Are you crazy?

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