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Quote from Jill in The Son Also Mooches

Jill: After checking out 300 frames, I finally found the perfect pair.
Brad: And they're very cool.
Randy: Extremely slimming.
Jill: For what they cost me, I could've hired somebody to read for me.
Lucille: [enters] Hi, honey.
Jill: Hi, Lucille.
Lucille: Sorry I'm late.
Jill: Oh, that's okay. I'm having trouble with this recipe. What does this mean when they say coddle an egg?
Lucille: Oh, hello, egg. Look at your cute little yolk. Let me look at this here. [puts on glasses]
Jill: Oh, my God. You have the same Gianni Firenzi glasses.
Lucille: Oh, I didn't know what they were called. They were giving them away at the car wash.

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