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Quote from Brad in Fear of Flying

Brad: Man, I thought when you practice, you're supposed to get better.
Randy: That only works if you have a little thing called talent.
Brad: You know, maybe it's just us. [off-key playing continues]
Randy: It's not us.
Brad: Hey, I've got an idea. Come on. Hey, Mom, the music sounds fantastic.
Jill: You think?
Brad: Yeah, I mean, I thought I was listening to a radio.
Jill: Well, I still have the rest of the half hour to do, you know. I gotta play this... four more times.
Randy: That would be a big mistake.
Jill: Really? How come?
Randy: There is a danger in over-practicing.
Jill: There's a bigger danger in trying to pull a fast one on your mother. Now, listen, guys. I'm going to play this until I get it right.
Brad: All right. But don't blame us when you miss your grandchildren's weddings.

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