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Quote from Jill in Advise and Repent

Dana: How could you talk about our private life with a stranger?
Bert: For your information, Dana, Jill happens to be a highly-respected psychologist.
Jill: Well, technically, I'm not a psychologist.
Dana: Well, technically, what are you?
Jill: Technically, the word that you would best use to describe me would be... a psychology student.
Bert & Dana: A student?!
Jill: Uh... But a very promising, highly-respected student.
Bert: I thought you were a teacher!
Dana: You criticized me based on something a student said?
Bert: I didn't know she was a student! And your problems must be pretty obvious if a stupid student can recognize them!
Jill: Well, for the record, I should tell you I just got an "A" on my last test.

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