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Quote from Wilson in A House Divided

Wilson: When does he move back in?
Tim: Oh, it'll take Al and I a couple of weeks to fix that house. I got a problem.
Wilson: You know, you wouldn't have a problem if you were an African buffalo weaver.
Tim: No kidding. I'd be in Africa weaving a buffalo.
Wilson: No, no, no, Tim. See, buffalo weavers are birds who nest communally. Then when the nest is damaged, instead of one bird spending months trying to fix it, eight to ten birds working together can rebuild it in no time.
Tim: Perfect. Perfect. I've just gotta find a sparrow that spackles, a duck that can dry-wall, and use some plaster of parrots.
Wilson: [chuckles] No, Tim, what I'm saying is maybe you should try to find some birds of your own feather.
Tim: Hey. Oh-ho-ho! It'd be tough finding a duck that dry-walls. And who can afford a union duck? Their bill is enormous.

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