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Quote from Al in Borland Ambition

Al: And that's why I'm working so hard. This is the first time I've taken a chance and I wanna succeed. You break it, you bought it. Up until now it's just been one big routine. I get up in the morning at the same time. I have the same thing for breakfast. I go to the bathroom at the same time.
Tim: Don't knock that.
Al: My father never took a risk in his life. He worked at the same factory, the same job, for 40 years. Now, I know they offered him better jobs but he was afraid to take them because he didn't want to take the chance of losing what he had.
Tim: Come on, Al. You're not like your dad. You take risks every day.
Al: Oh, yeah? Like what?
Tim: You work with me.
Al: Well, that's true.

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