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Quote from Tim in He Ain't Heavy, He's Just Irresponsible

Tim: Thank you, Heidi. Welcome to Tool Time. I am Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor. It's always a pleasure to share the spotlight with someone special in my life. [Al goes to salute] My brother Marty's here. My youngest brother Marty's here.The only brother I can still beat up. Right?
Al: Tim. Are you gonna introduce me, or do I have time to run to the cleaner's?
Tim: OK, Al. And you all know my assistant Al Borland. [audience cheers] Today, we will be talking about abrasives.
Al: That's right. Abrasives can be used from anything from your car to family heirlooms.
Tim: "To family heirlooms"?
Al: Like silver.
Tim: Silver?
Al: Jewelry.
Tim: Jewelry?
Al: I can go on.

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