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Quote from Tim in Reel Men

Al: Come on, Tim. We're here to fish.
Tim: Don't tell me. Tell the fish. We've been here four hours without a bite.
Al: You know, there's a lot more to fishing than just catching fish. It's about being out in the wilderness, getting away from our women and our job, just men spending time together.
Tim: Al, we spend all day together.
Al: Yeah, but we never get a chance to talk that often.
Tim: You wanna talk? Let's talk. I'll turn the sound down.
Al: You're not gonna turn it off?
Tim: No, I can watch this and listen to you. I do it with Jill all the time.
Al: Well, you know, there's... an awful lot going on in my life right now.
Tim: [distracted by the TV] What?
Al: Aw... Well, never mind. Let's just fish.

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