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Quote from Tim in Birth of a Hot Rod

Jim: Now, I always use a string as a guide to give the hedge a nice straight line.
Tim: That's good advice. Good advice.
Al: And for that particular job, Jim would be using the Binford SHD 6500 hedge clippers.
Tim: SHD. That's super-heavy-duty. [grunts] You know, there's a lot of creative ways to trim your hedges. And Jim has been nice enough to bring out some examples of his very nice work.
Jim: Now, Tim, these are called topiaries. Each one takes hundreds of man-hours to shape and cultivate, and up to five years to grow.
Tim: Five years? [whistles] I guess that's why they say: [sings] It's a long way to Topiary It's a long way to go, go, go

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